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This gallery shows an assortment of images taken recently. They will be periodically transferred to the relevant Image Gallery and replaced with newer images, so please visit regularly.

Blue Jemada Skipper Butterfly

Hoatzin or Stinkbird

Amazon Horned Frog

Amazon Horned Frog

Peruvian Anole

Assassin Bug

Brown Capuchin Monkey

Clearwing Butterfly



Dolicaon Swordtaill Butterfly

? butterfly

A mass of feeding Butterflies

Male Andean Cock-of-the-Rock

Male Andean Cock-of-the-Rock

Male Andean Cock-of-the-Rock

Very Hairy Caterpillar

Caterpillar of the Flannel Moth


Bridal Veil Stinkhorn Fungus

Pale-striped Poison Frog

Blue and Yellow Painted Grasshopper

Monkey Hopper

Lubber Grasshopper

Long-tailed Potoo

Giant Waxy Monkey Frog

Giant River Otter

Red and Green Macaws

Red and Green Macaw



Giant Tarantula

White Witch Moth


Bolivar's Mouse Ear

Anomalous Bluetail

Vermillion Humbug Moth

Ragged Deadleaf Roller

Marbled Tiger Moth

Xylophanes Hawkmoth