Hawkmoths of the UK and Europe
The hawkmoths are a diverse group of moths belonging to the Sphingidae family. They are widely distributed around the world, with many species occurring in Europe. They have stout bodies and narrow pointed wings which allow them to fly rapidly, with most species being nocturnal although a small number are daytime fliers. Most hawkmoths have a long proboscis (tongue) and feed whilst hovering in front of flowers. The larva have a characteristic curved horn or tail at the rear and this has led to them being known in some countries as "hornworms". Several species also have clearly defined oblique stripes which are thought to help with camouflage. They generally spend the winter underground in the pupal stage. Some species are migratory and in the summer months several find their way to the UK from Europe and Africa when conditions are favourable.

Poplar Hawkmoth

Poplar Hawkmoth

Privet Hawkmoth

Privet Hawkmoth

Privet Hawkmoth

Large Elephant Hawkmoth

Large Elephant Hawkmoth

Large Elephant Hawkmoth

Large Elephant Hawkmoth

Large Elephant Hawkmoth

Large Elephant Hawkmoth

Small Elephant Hawkmoth

Small Elephant Hawkmoth

Bedstraw Hawkmoth

Bedstraw Hawkmoth

Bedstraw Hawkmoth feeding at night

Broad-bordered Bee Hawkmoth caterpillar

Broad-bordered Bee Hawkmoth

Broad-bordered Bee Hawkmoth

Broad-bordered Bee Hawkmoth

Broad-bordered Bee Hawkmoth

Broad-bordered Bee Hawkmoth

Narrow-bordered Bee Hawkmoth

Convolvulus Hawkmoth

Convolvulus Hawkmoth

Convolvulus Hawkmoth

Spurge Hawkmoth

Caterpillar of The Spurge Hawkmoth

Spurge Hawkmoth caterpillar

Spurge Hawkmoth caterpillar

Death's Head Hawkmoth

Death's Head Hawkmoth caterpillar

Caterpillar of The Death's Head Hawkmoth

Caterpillar of The Death's Head Hawkmoth

Death's-Head Hawkmoth

Death's-Head Hawkmoth

Death's-Head Hawkmoth

Hummingbird Hawkmoth

Hummingbird Hawkmoth caterpillar

Striped Hawkmoth

Striped Hawkmoth

Striped Hawkmoth

Seathorn Hawkmoth

Seathorn Hawk-moth

Levant Hawkmoth

Oleander Hawkmoth

Oleander Hawkmoth

Oleander Hawkmoth

Oleander Hawkmoth caterpillar

Oleander Hawkmoth

Silver-striped Hawkmoth

Silver-striped Hawkmoth

Silver-striped Hawkmoth

Silver-striped Hawkmoth caterpillar

Silver-striped Hawkmoth caterpillar

Silver-striped Hawkmoth caterpillar

Pine Hawkmoth caterpillar

Oak Hawk-moth

Lime Hawkmoth

Lime Hawk-moth

Lime Hawkmoth caterpillar

Eyed Hawkmoth